Last week I put out an Ask Me Anything on my social media. Whenever I do these, the questions are always wide ranging, from light curiosities around my personal life, to deeper, more complex questions asking for my opinion on broader relationship topics or ethical dilemmas.
Often a short instagram answer will not suffice!
So here are a collection of my favourite questions that were submitted. Ranging from unicorns to enemas, I hope you enjoy reading the responses to your questions.
This is entirely dependent on the connection and factors such as geographical location. If I am seeing someone and our connection is strong, it is important to me that they meet Liam. My husband isn’t a person who is on the periphery of my life, he is very much my life partner and it is important to me that a new lover can see Liam and I together to witness our connection.
For myself, I prefer to know who Liam is in connection with. It adds to my compersion and builds security around my feelings. It is important for me to be seen and respected by a metamour. If a friendship is mutually desired and available with a metamour, it is a beautiful bonus. Thinking back over the years, I cannot think of a metamour who I didn’t want to become friends with as Liam has always connected with cool and interesting women.
Liam and I both feel that humanising metamours feeds compersion and softens insecurities. When we don’t know someone personally and are looking at their social media, it is easy to put a story onto them preemptively. We are drawn to non-monogamy because we are into connection, whether that be with new lovers, metamours or platonic community with like-minded people.