Before long, I was earnestly learning the moves, barely tearing my eyes away from the teacher's feet. I could feel my determination surge – I wanted to learn this as quickly as possible.
After the short lesson, I caught the eye of a former lover across the room. He was smiling at me. "Oh god," I thought, hoping he hadn't witnessed my intense focus on the teacher's feet. I gave him a small smile and a wave, then noticed he was on a date.
"Is this your first time dancing salsa?" the woman at the register asked with a big smile.
"Yes, it is. I mean, I enjoy dancing, but I've never taken a salsa class before."
"Great! There's a short class before it turns into an open social. Would you like to take that first?"
I glanced down at my phone to see a text from my friend saying she wouldn't be there for another half hour.
"Sure, why not!"
The group had grown considerably by the time my friend arrived.
"You made it!" she squealed with delight.
"I did! I just finished the beginner class. Guess who else is here? An old flame! This is unexpected."
"Oh, fun! Where is he?" she asked with a mischievous grin.
"He's right behind you. Don't look! He's on a date."
The group was now quite large. We were all in a circle dancing around the teachers, rotating our dance partners as we learned a new step. I felt the gravitational pull, as my former lover moved closer. Our dance would be inevitable. How would it feel to reconnect in a room full of connection.